Hi users! Recently we got a trick and want to share it with you. What about recharging your mobile for free?? Yes! That's Possible!! How? Just Read!
1. Go HERE and create a free account.
2. After Creating a Free Account, Activate it.
3. Now On the toolbar Above Click on Fill Wallet .
4.Just Register with some fake information on some sites and you will be creditied with money.
5. Now Keep doing this for a day or two.
6. When you have more than Rs. 10 in your Wallet, click on Free Recharge.
7. Enter your details and wait for few hours!
8. Ta-da! You have got your free recharge!
Notes :-
- Don't Enter Fake Mobile Number, as once you have entered the mobile number, you cannot change it.
- This is only for
Indian Users! :( Sorry Other users. - Kindly g+1 and share it if u liked!!
Supported Mobile Carrier.