It is looking like you love it or not but Facebook is slowly releasing their most updated "TimeLine" feature
for every user.. So if you hate this feature (As there is many) you
have nothing to do with it.. You have to publish your "Timeline" profile
to all.. So why dont we take this feature as facebook's best work
in this days and try to customize this feature to look stunning ? So
dont fear.. I am here to show you how you can create amazing facebook
cover pic .. You should remember our our old post about it.. But Dont Bother .. It is an updated and more amazing way to create your cover pic..
So why Are you waiting for just visit there and show others your creativity.. Dont forget to share this post with your friends and left a comment .... Till then Stay Fresh.. Stay Geek
Follow the following Steps
- At first visit the fabulous website from here.
- Now this website you will be able to create Facebook Cover pic as your wish..
- So Now just click on the Button saying " First, Let's choose the Banner Background »"
- After that just choose a background or choose a blank banner to edit your self.. here you can edit your banner as your choice.. You can also edit pix by enhancing or decreasing it's sharpness,brightness etc.. You can also add text and do many and more things...
So why Are you waiting for just visit there and show others your creativity.. Dont forget to share this post with your friends and left a comment .... Till then Stay Fresh.. Stay Geek